Tuesday 29 March 2016

OUGD503 - BACIL Poster Campaign: Feedback

OUGD503 - Studio Brief 1/ BACIL Poster Campaign   


During a critique I presented my initial design direction to a group of students and tutors, they were positive about the development thus far and agreed the second design direction was far more appropriate due to its simple direct aesthetic. It was suggested the navy didn't work particularly well as a background colour because it wasn't eye-catching enough and students felt it may become overlooked especially in dark night time economy venues. Another suggestion was to use the actual emojis instead of creating the illustrations as this would make the aesthetic more fun and engaging to the audience. 

This feedback offers improvements to my initial design direction that will improve the overall quality of the concept and resolution,  I will implement this feedback and develop the design further as this will improve the posters engagement with its audience. 

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