Tuesday 3 November 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 3 - Initial Ideas: Digital

OUGD504: Brief 3: Type In Context

Initial Ideas: Digital

Following the brief layout sketches I chose a number of the layouts to develop digitally. Using a trial image and Lorem Ipsum to create a more substantial mock up that will give a better understanding of how the layout will physically fiction. This allowed me to experiment with the basis of text and image in more creative forms than could be applied to paper sketches. 

This design uses large engaging photography to capture the readers attention, the boarder is featured in other photography publications and adds a nice effect to the image that makes it less invasive than full bleed imagery, it looks particularly effective with off white stock to add character to the layout. The overset text is over the imagery and works effectively in creating a contentmorary layout that is engaging and will appeal to the reader. This example works well in practise however it would me difficult to keep this consistent throughout the whole publication and keeping the text legible as images could start to contrast the text making it difficult to read.

The White space in this layout design works well in creating a contemporary aesthetic, this symmetry creates a clean bold aesthetic that will appeal to the target Audience and will work well consistently through the whole publication creating synergy between the pages. This layout could be applied to a struck grid to ensure this and research into the canons of page construction will help me to develop this layout into a more refined concept. This layout design uses images of the actually letterforms collated as part of my summer brief that aren't as engaging as some of the landscapes taken on the same trip. I will look at ways to incorprate this within my design to create an appropriate balance of type and image photography.

Talking reference from travel publications would strengthen my concept the large full bleed photography creates an engaging statement on the page that will grab the eye and will be perfect for landscapes and other detailed photography. The grid within the page could be, with further development placed into golden ratio splitting up the image and text for further symmetry. The text is spread into smaller columns with space left to incorprate the letterform or feathers that can be experimented with through further development. This would form a strong concept with a solid fusion of type in context and cultural photography further contextualising the type.

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