Wednesday 18 November 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 4 - Target Audience Analysis

OUGD504: Brief 4: SONY music / ONLY studio Brief

Target Audience Analysis  

With a beter understanding of the band I also felt it was essential to gain a more holistic knowledge for the target audience I will be designing for. This will help me to design for a relevant audience that will be able to engage and respond to the concept I develop as part of my resolution to the brief. From the band analysis I concluded that The Japanese House have an indie sound and have been related to artists such as Wolf Alice, The 1975 and the XX. Due to the nature of the band only recently forming I will have to extrapolate from the target audience of similar bands in order to gain a better understanding of the Target Audience. 

Demographic Profile:

The Target Audience for The Japanese House will have an age range of 14 - 25 who will, on average have a socio-economic grouping of D or E, This informs be that there may not be a large disposable income for the target audience however due to the low age range it is likely that their parents purchase on their behalf which would increase the disposable income significantly. There will be a equal mix of males and females that will be single with no children.  Due to the age range of the target audience they will experts with social media and this will be their main form of interaction with the band as well as one another therefore I will have to incorporate this heavily within my chosen concept. 

Psychographic Profile: 

The target audience will have a range of hobbies due to the age range and social factors of the lives, their main hobbies are attending concerts, shopping, listening to music and  socialising with friends. They will have certain preferences based on their lifestyle for example would prefer to shop at fashion retailers such as Topshop/Topman or vintage stores and have keen interests in film and music. They will use the internet daily as their primary source of information along with social media typically by mobile for fast on the go information. 

From this range of profiling I have a better understanding of the target audience and can create informed design decisions based on these factors identified within the demographic and psychographic profiles of the target audience to ensure my resolution is effective and will appeal to the primary audience of the campaign. 

I took part in a workshop with Kimberly from Freed by Design, a leading user experience agency in Leeds. She talked about the importance of research within the design process and how to ensure the resolution appeal to the target audience. I was tasked to create some lean personas of the target audience of The Japanese House. These personas look at creating individuals to make them more real and unique than compiling from stereotypes looking at demographics as well as their needs and wants from the product. As my target audience was made up of males and females I creates two personas that I can refer back to when designing asking the question 'would this appeal to [persona name]' throughout the course of my development. 

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