Sunday 15 November 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 3 - Production

OUGD504: Brief 3: Type In Context


Having made informed design decisions regarding the production through extensive feedback and research the physical production of my publication was relatively easy, printed in the Digigreen silk 115gsm stock I first folded each page individually with a bone folder before aligning the spine and cropping the book down manually, in industry this would most likely be guillotined in a larger quantity resulting in no chance of human error however for a bespoke mock up I felt this was the most appropriate cropping technique. Following this I cut the cover and had to re-trim the right edge as due to bunch where the folding of the stock has created slight overlap to ensure a clear professional edge and finish to the publication. 

From the bookbinding workshop and research I had already determined my publication would be saddle stitched as this would appeal to the target audience and would be functional and appropriate to the size , scale and context of the publication. I purchased specialist waxed cotton thread in orange to contrast the black and create continuity with the cover, this was a nice touch that brought the colourshceme of the publication together with the thread, illustrations and cover all using a bold orange palette. 

The finished publication had a truly professional aesthetic, the cover is bold and vibrant which will make the publication stand out in a busy book store and the cut out and texture of the stock making it physically engaging. The content sits nicely within the page with the structured grid enforcing continuity and the custom illustrations adding unique character to each page that will ensure the publications remains engaging from start to finish. Overall the production of the publication is finished to a very high standard that reflects the design designs and though processes untaken throughout the course of the brief. 

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