Sunday 22 November 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 4 - Website Analysis: Wolf Alice

OUGD504: Brief 4: SONY music / ONLY studio Brief

Website Analysis: Wolf Alice  

Wolf Alice form a successful alt-rock band from London  UK. Their website is dramatic with the contrast of black and gold creating a high impact visual aesthetic that is tasteful and consistent with the recently released album cover. The homepage has overall synergy with all the components however the typography from the video link distracts from this in an anaesthetically pleasing manner. The script hand written typeface is typical of wolf alice and appears consistently across their collateral creating a distinct aesthetic for the band. 

Similarly to The Japanese House website the Wolf Alice website also contained an image gallery however these were also arranged in a sporadic fashion that wasn't engaging or aesthetically pleasing. The use of no space or gaps between the pictures causes the images to blue into one which isn't instantly understandable for the reader. I like the use of social media links created when hovered over the image creating cross platform connectivity between social media links which will create a larger network for fans to engage with. 

The live shows page of the website is fairly standard with the date, venue location and an outsourcable link to tickets. I like the RSVP buttons next to each show which allowed the user to share their plans to see the band on their social media network, which will also let other 'friends' know that the band are playing presumably close to them. Due the live show information being played directly ontop of the background cause some issues with legibility half way down the page as the white text contrasts with the gold present within the background obstructing the text and making it difficult to read.

The best feature of the website in my opinion was the newsletter sign up, When clicked showed a pop up window advertising a free unreleased single from the band. This is a great way to engage an audience and making them happy about signing up to a newsletter as most customers are cautious about giving out their information and email address, this provides an exclusive service that will allow them to receive an exclusive track making them feel happy to exchange their information for a material value. 

The Wolf Alice website creates a good consistency with their recently released album however this can cause issues with the legibility and aesthetic throughout the website with the use of contrasting typefaces and other external components creating an unappealing contrast with the rest of the page. Engaging features such as social media links form free advertising for the band with users sharing images and tour dates for their social media networks and the use of an exchange of an exclude for there users email address for the newsletter provides a more engaging and conceptual solution to gaining user information. 

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