Monday 23 November 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 4 - Concept Generation

OUGD504: Brief 4: SONY music / ONLY studio Brief

Concept Generation 

Having conducted a range of focused research into music campaigns and website analysis I felt confident in generating a range of concepts for The Japanese House these needed to be relevant, focused and engaging to the target audience.  I started by bullet pointing how I could incorporate social media into my concept and summarised the target audience to ensure my concepts are focused and relatable back to the target audience. 

Soundscape website - Create an immersive website that will allow users to create their own custom soundscapes using basic music editing software similar to the bands style of music. 

Pros - Creative and engaging
          Sharable on social media 
          Will appeal to the target audience

Cons - Time Consuming 
            Fans may find it difficult 
            cost of music editing software

Social Responsibility - Play on the name of the band to create a campaign that raises awareness of urban homeless ness around key cities globally; London, Berlin, LA. Shows a social responsibility of the band and positions them as roll models which will appeal to the target audience. Could link to homeless charity as raise awareness and funds to support them.

Pros - Socially responsible
           Supports a good cause
           In connection with a charity 

Cons - Demographics of the target audience mean they may not have a high disposable income to spend on charity donations 
             Not particularly relevant to the music
             May disinterest some fans 

Photography Campaign - Instagram campaign creating a custom filter similar to the bands visual aesthetic through their promotional photography. Fans can create their own images and upload them to social media which could then be developed into a competition. 

Pros - Very social (appealing to the target audience) 
          Creating on online buzz around the album 
          Contemporary and consistent with the bands image 

Cons - Cost of creating filter 

I feel these concepts all have varying levels of successful application. I asked a range of students which they felt the most promising concept that I should develop further into a more sophisticated concept. The students surveyed like the concept of the soundscapes however felt it would be too time consuming and wouldn't work as well on a mobile device. They felt the social responsibility targeting homelessness was the weakest concept as the socio-economic grouping of the target audience would assume they do not have a high disposable income to consider to donating to charities. Finally they felt the photography campaign was overall the strongest concept thus far as it appeal to the target audiences social forms of communication and highlighting instagram as a key application would help drive this campaign as contemporary and relevant to the target audience. One student said 'I think it would be really cool to be able to add your own pictures and if this was developed into a competition that would encourage the audience to upload and hash tag these images'. Based on this feedback I will develop the final concept into a more refined campaign that I can obtain for informed feedback as to whether the campaign will be successful. 

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