Sunday 22 November 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 4 - Website Analysis: The Japanese House

OUGD504: Brief 4: SONY music / ONLY studio Brief

Website Analysis: The Japanese House 

As a large part of the brief is a create a digital website to host the campaign a significant point in my research would be to analyse a range of brand websites to understand how they function, and how they engage with their audience. For this analysis I felt it would be important to firstly analyst the current bands websites to get a feel of their digital profile before looking at a range of other examples. I have chosen to analyse websites of bands in the same genre as The Japanese House as this will inform me how different bands appeal to a similar target audience which will ultimately inform my design process when generating concepts and ideas. 

The Japanese House

The current website for The Japanese House is very pictorial and image focused, this is demonstrated on the homepage through the infinite scrolling of an image wall although this is effective in creating an instantly engaging user face the irregular and unstructured size of the pictures create a staggered and un-aesthetically pleasing layout that doesn't feel cohesive or to have a sense of flow more so just a page of pictures dotted all over the place. 

The sidebar stays in a fixed position which in inconvenient when using the infinite scroll to view the pictures as then one has to school all the way back to the to for further navigation options. The navigation text is produced in typewriter boxers and although this creates continuity with the album cover I feel it doesn't sit right within the digital platform taking away from the legibility.

The social media buttons are extremely basic and have an uninviting aesthetic that are reminiscent of early web browsers, I do however like the application over the pictures to a range of social media formats to create cross platform communication. The images all have a certain aesthetic of soft tones that create consistency and will start to become identifiable to the band. These use of filters will appeal to the target audience and create a particular aesthetic that will start to represent the band differencing them from similar artists within the genre. 

The music page of the site is simple however is the most approartiate format. Soundcloud has been coded into the website to display the bands songs that can be listed to for free through the website (without being re-directed to a external site) This keeps the user one the website and adds persona touches using sound clouds features such as seeing what other fans have commented about the track adding a sense of community to the bands fanbase. 

From a commercial perspective a store section is a great way to get add on sales and make a profit from the website, the store section for the The Japanese House is redirected to an external site Dirty Hit which unfortunately takes the user out of the website itself however will be the most economic way  to add a store service without the expenditure of setting up this service within the website. 

The Japanese House's website had a very image focused website, the overall impression of the site was it had a very 'tumblr' aesthetic in terms of the navigation and user experience. Although this aesthetic will probably appeal to the target audience who engage with tumblr and social media it does takes away from legitimacy of the band understating them and making them appear less professional and by extension successful than they are. The overall website experience was not particularly engaging or exciting with no animation or interaction with the user. The website performed well in keeping the user within the website itself for the majority of the links and the pictoral aesthetic was distinct and could be used to define the bands aesthetic style making them distinct from other bands within their saturated market. 

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