Sunday 15 November 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 3 - Evaluation

OUGD504: Brief 3: Type In Context


Due to the extended nature of the brief is thorough and extended research and development behind by publication, the design decisions have all been thought and and considered with the target audience in mind to ensure the resolution is appropriate and has commercially relevant. Visiting village bookshop aided the idea generation and development becoming a large part of the brief reverting back to 'does it fit in will the genre of books village sells' and 'how will this stand out yet still engage the target audience' these questions came pivotal to the development of the publication ensuring a successful resolution to the brief.  

The content of the publication is fixed in a symmetrical grid that is a unique variant of van de graaf canon modified to fit the content perfect. The spreads are then brought to like with custom illustrations that further highlight the context of the letterform adding further insight to the culture of Australia. The duotone photography creates further consistency and avoids an overtly busy layout that would have occurred fro the use of full colour, this filter adds a subtle consistency and creates a 'designed' aesthetic. Positive comments were made towards the concept of my publication using a selection of the letterforms to spell out Australia. This was further praised for the imaginative concept of vectorising the letterforms and placing them in the bottom right corner of each speed to further visualise the concept and create an engaging visual representation of the letterforms that couldn't be achieved from the photography alone. 

The resolution to this brief is finished to an extremely high standard and through the extensive development of materials and processes created an aesthetically pleasing and appropriate resolution. Due  to the target audience coming from a creative background elements such as stock selection and binding  method were crucial as they would pick up on these elements differently to that of a mass market audience. The plike stock from GF Smith creates an instantly engaging and eye-catching cover that will stand out amongst a crowded book shelf. The texture of this stock combined with the innovative illustrative cut out will make an audience want to physically interact with the publication and the use of high quality materials will add a sense of luxury to the product separating it from cheaper looking zines.

Although I had limited facilities available to me in the university I have created a successful bespoke mock up and examined the commercial considerations of how these techniques would be produced on a larger commercial scale. Talks from GF Smith and Evolution print supported this allowing me to engage with the commercial side of editorial design and become increasingly more aware of cost, material and production of a final resolution. 

I enjoyed the extended time frame of the brief compared to the previous one week briefs and it gave me chance to become fully immersed within the brief. I had time to extensively research and develop my concept that ultimately creates a strong and successful resolution to the brief. Supported by various talks from visiting professionals I have learnt more about the commercial implications of editorial design and have applied this to relevant aspects of my outcome and can build upon this in future briefs. 

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