Wednesday 4 November 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 3 - Development: Photography

OUGD504: Brief 3: Type In Context

Development: Photography

Having briefly experimented with photography in my initial developments I decided to develop this further. The designs work better when the photography is greyscale as it removes the busyness of a full colour image and will create more consistency within the overall publication. From the preparing for print workshop I learnt more about duotone and felt appealing this to the publication could create a good tonal aesthetic for the photography. 

I experimented with a range of colours choosing a blue initially however concluded that this wasn't effective. I eventually decided on Pantone Black 6c as both myself and other students felt this was effective remaining close to the initial greyscale that was popular this duotone was slightly softer making the photography less harsh in its contrasts and created a more subtle aesthetic for the photography. 

Below shows the final images that will be used within the publication all have been duotoned in Pantone 5C. The result is a set of images that all have a subtle tonal colour palette that is softer than regular greyscale and specialist filters will appeal to the creative target audience. The images work extremely well as a set and will create a great continuity between the spreads creating a uniform publication, these filters will also allow the illustrations to really stand out and jump off the age as they will not contrast with the colours within the original photography.  Dependant on the range of colours used for the illusions this duotone could reduce the production cost using spot colours for the printing instead of full CMYK, which would be beneficial if produced on a mass scale. 

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