Wednesday 18 November 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 4 - Brief

OUGD504: Brief 4: SONY music / ONLY studio Brief


Matt and Tom from Only studio based in Leeds came in to brief studio brief 4, they told us about the set up of their studio and how they have created a niche between graphic and web design, some of their clients included Aston Martin, Sony and the design council. Through the talk I picked up some really interesting subjects they touched upon for example they mentioned you don't need to be able to code in order to be a web designer, I found this interesting as this is a major factor that previously put me off web design. They explained their design process and demonstrated this through the use of case studies before briefing us the task; 

Analysis of the brief: 

The brief from only initially appeared very vague having limited experience with digital campaigns this would be a new experience for myself as a designer. I concluded the bases of the brief was to create a strong concept that would encourage fans to purchase the album in the run up to the album launch and shortly after. This concept hold then be developed digitally across a range of platforms including desktop and mobile. I feel the key to this brief is to create a really engaging exciting concept that will get people talking in the run to the album launch creating a buzz surrounding the album which will increase sales and chart success. I am excited about mocking up designs for web as I have never fully engaged with this discipline before as my current practise mainly evolves around print. I will be interested to see the differenced between designing for print and web and how this allows me to develop as a designer. 

Research Plan: 

My initial research plan will be to firstly identify a band/artist I want to work with, I will then analyse this artist to get a more holistic knowledge of their sound, ethos and personality to translate this into my design. Following this I will also conduct an analysis of the target audience to gain a better insight as to who I'm designing for and how this needs to appeal to a specific audience. With a holistic knowledge of the band and target audience I will then extend my research to analyse existing websites of bands in a similar genre to understand how they appeal to their audience and will look at existing examples of notable album campaigns to see how they made this unique and how effective it was in terms of creating a buzz around the album prior to the release. With this range of research behind me I will the be able to design confidently and inform my design decisions based on the collated research. 

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