Tuesday 10 November 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 3 - Development: Illustration layout

OUGD504: Brief 3: Type In Context

Development: Final Spread development 

From the feedback received from a sample of students and tutors it was decided upon a final arrangement for the illustrations within the spread. It had only been developed in rough so to finalise the design further developments were made to ensure a professional consistency within the aesthetic of the spread. The illustrations had been resized from the initial development as this make them more playful and engaging to finalise this concept I ensured they were all the same size across the whole publication, I also ensured the vectorised letterforms were the same size as well to create further consistency and keep the smaller icons to one size to ensure the spread didn't become overly busy with a range of different sized objects within the layout. This is effective in creating a consistent scale for the illustrations and will create a playful consistency throughout the publication. The result of this is a visually engaging publication that is structured through the use of grid systems which will appeal to the expert target audience yet still remains playful and engaging with the playful consistency of the illustrations. 

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