Sunday 22 November 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 4 - Website Analysis: Swim Deep

OUGD504: Brief 4: SONY music / ONLY studio Brief

Website Analysis: Swim Deep

Similarly to the Chvrches website the Swim deep website also uses an immediate pop up to promote their recently released album however this feels slightly less refined in the aesthetic. The boxes surrounding the links feel restrictive and don't add anything to the aesthetic or function. Due to the vibrant nature of the band and the high impact album cover I would have expected a slightly more creative pop up with a higher impact to be used to appeal to the target audience. 

The homepage for the website feature large scale photography of the and running on a slide  show these image will appeal to the audience and create more of an emotional connection to the band than the previous websites have thus far. I feel this will appeal to their audience making it more of a personal experience as the previous websites have be largely focused on the album and the music forgetting the members of the band and their character adds a lot to the marketing of the band as a whole. The navigation bar feels un-proportionate to the rest of the page and isn't particular engaging or aesthetically pleasing other than it doesn't take too much attention to the focal point of the imagery. 

I really liked this interactive feature within the website, the #onegreatsong playlist is a digital campaign used to promote the bands latest single. This feature is a compilation playlist created by the band of songs they think are great. This will really appeal to an audience as it again shows more of the bands personality telling an audience what sort of music they're into and find inspiring, as well as creating a personalised campaign that will promote their single. The page links to spotify without the need for outsourcing to keep the user within the website which is a nice touch to keep them on the site for as long as possible. 

The tour page is similar to the Chvrches page however find this more structured which feel doesn't work as well as the churches example, the blue filer would look more effective if it covered the full page at a slightly lighter opacity however I like the photography of a crowd giving connotations of the life performance the content is displaying. 

There are engaging features within the swim deep website that will engage the user particularly the focus on the band as people showing their character will appeal to the target audience making them feel closer to the band. The digital campaign is a great extension of this adding character to the website while promoting the bands single. I found the website as a whole could be slightly refined to make it more engaging to the user but felt there was a solid concept that worked in principle that could be really engaging with habit more development.

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