Tuesday 3 November 2015

OUGD504 - Brief 3 - Initial Ideas: Feedback

OUGD504: Brief 3: Type In Context

Initial Ideas: Feedback

Following the initial digital developments of my initial ideas I felt it would be appropriate to acquire some feedback as to which layout designs students felt would be the most appropriate to develop into a sophisticated concept. 

I asked a range of students for comments regarding the initial layouts created and found they loved the bold pictoral aesthetic of this design, they felt it was bold engaging and would appeal to the target audience. One student said 'how will the white text translate across all the spreads? it could be hard to read if the image is light' this is a valid question that I would have to consider within the development of this concept. The majority of students liked the large images especially as they are all original images and felt they would appeal to the target audience. 

This design also received a range of high quality feedback, students liked the symmetry of the design creating and said 'this will make a great consistency within the book'. They liked the use of white space allowing the components to sit nicely within the spread. Comments included; 'I love the minimal aesthetic as it really shows off the content, I think theres a lot you could do with this'  and 'I like the direct relationship between the type and image it makes a very linear book that is clean and effective' this feedback shows the strengths of the design and how it could be developed into a successful concept. 

This design received an overall less positive reaction from students, they liked the creative placement of type and image however felt the text was far too bold and overcomplicated the whole design. Students told me that similarly to the first design 'how would the overlapping text work on the full range of imagery concerning the legibility?' and 'I like the contemporary style of the body copy and image but just feel the large text is way too much and distracts from the whole design. I will take this feedback into consideration and develop my concepts appropriately. 

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