Wednesday 22 April 2015

Studio Brief 4 - Statements

Studio Brief 4 - Reflective Practise - Speaking from experience  

I wanted to come up with some really bold statements that would be instantly engaging and that would re-assure new students and hopefully make them feel confident. I initially struggled with this as I didn't want to sound cliche or cheesy, I wanted the statements to be particularly relevant to graphic design students and ideally more specialised to the graphic design course at Leeds college of Art. 

I looked through the university website to see what type of language they used to promote themselves however this tended to be quite words whereas I wanted my statements to be short snappy and bold. I remembered one thing that always re-assured me when I felt unsure was something that Amber the course leader kept telling us when she taught us design principles at the start of the year, She always used to say 'this is what I believe could potentially be the best graphic design programme in the country'.  I really lied this statement as it shows how much she believes in the course and always used to make me smile. I liked how the statement isn't too cocky as its using her opinion, I decided I wanted to use this statement within my resolution and simplified it further to; 'Potentially the best Graphic Design programme in the country' I feel this works well to re-assure students that they have picked the right university to study at and would re-asure them that the programme is of a high quality as Ambers enthusiasm genuinely reassured me. 

I then looked to create some other similar statements, I thought back to the first module and talked with other students in the hope of gaining inspiration. I was discussing the brief with another student and they were talking about finding their own style within graphic design, this inspired me and thought back to my primary research as quite a few students mentioned to me that they were unsure about the first module as it was very type based using modernist principles that didn't appeal to everyone. I created the statement 'Graphic Design is whatever you want it be' I feel this works well in articulating to my target audience that just because you're being taught one thing you can make it unique to them. I found this particularly difficult as I really dislike grids and felt that I had to use them because we had been taught about them and would have benefited from someone telling me its okay to do things your own way. I feel this statement will work well to reassure the target audience that they can experiment and find their own style. 

Finally one of the worst things I struggled with in the run up to stating university and until after christmas was my confidence with my designs as I came straight from A-level without studying art or a foundation degree. I was really unsure if I would be good enough and if everyone else would be at a much higher level than me. I created the statement 'I am creative' as I feel this is really simple and direct. I think this will work well in giving new students the confidence to say they are creative as they are in a specialist art institution studying a really selective creative course. I think this statement will work particularly well on a tote bag as it will make the user look and feel more confident if they are seen carrying a bag with the bold statement 'I am creative'. 

I feel I have created a range of successful statements that are all relevant to graphic design students and even to the university. I think these will re-assure students as they are bold and engaging as it is nice to hear these statements to relax them and know that other people have also had these concerns. 

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