Friday 24 April 2015

Studio Brief 4 - Final Designs

Studio Brief 4 - Reflective Practise - Speaking from experience  
Final Designs

I was really impressed with my final outcomes I thought the neon orange worked well in standing out and making the range of designs eye-catching and engaging. I think the designs work successfully as a set with the consistent use of DIN and neon orange to create consistency between the design. I feel the detailed type and colour choices demonstrate to new students how their design decisions should be informed and relevant to the resolution. 

The first design uses the personal quote from course leader to re-assure new students that they have picked the right course/university the neon orange 'best' accentuates this point. The second design uses a more generic statement of 'I am creative' I incorporated this quote to hopefully provide the new students with confidence as I initially struggled with having confidence in my ability. Finally the statement 'Graphic Design is whatever I want it to be' will reassure students that then can experiment and make their resolutions to briefs unique to them as designers and don't have to conform to other styles. 

I feel they work well as set and resolve the brief as they appeal to the target audience through the relevant design decisions that will hopefully introduce them to graphic design fundamentals as well as making them feel reassured and more confident.

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