Tuesday 21 April 2015

Design Principles - What is a Book - OUGD404 END OF MODULE EVALUATION

Design Principles
What is a book? 
OUGD404 - Module Evaluation

Looking at this module in retrospect I feel I have learn a great deal. I feel this module relied more heavily on the experiemental process of how I acheived my final designs, I think I have clearly documented my methodology throught the course of this module. I feel the quality of my outcome in this module is of a  extremely high quality due to the depth of my investigation research and timescale I was given to produce my resolution. I feel I have aquired a range of new skills such as book binding, in depth knowledge of editorial design, typesetting and terminology aquired through a range of tought seminars, workshops and independant research. I think this module has improved my design process allowing me to spend extensive time researching developing and producing my resolutions.  

Brief one tought me a range of new disciplines though a range of tought seminars and workshops that gave me a range of skills essential to graphic design.  I looked at type, image, colour and visual communciation and expanded my knowledge on each of these subjects so that I can talk about them confidently within my work. The practical nature of this module made it engaging and demonstrated how practical and diverse these skills were as I was able to apply them into real life application. 

Brief 2 allowed me to truely specialise in publication design. I was encouraged to challege my preconceived expecations about what is a book which then developed into the practical nautre of the brief. Through independant study, workshops and seminars I aquired a specialist range of skills including bookbinding, folding mechanisms, typesetting and content generaton that were all essentail when producing my final resolution to the brief. My final resolution used all of these skills to create an engaigng publication that was specially tailored and informed by the target audience. I created continuity between every aspect of my design which make the resolution consistent throughout and highly informed. 

Overall I am happy with my progress through the module and my development throughout the year. I feel I have learnt an abundance of new essential skills such as editorial design and bookbinding which will become more useful in furutre briefs when developign throughout the course and into an industry practise allowing me to create better quality and more informed resolutions. I feel I have a much better understanding of the design process as a result of this module and think I have worked more independantly through the course of this module, managing my time according and organising my own bookings, inductions etc. Due to the extended nautre of the module I have had chance to enjoy the design process without it feeling rushed meaning I can extensively collate research and develop my designs to the highest possible quiality. I feel this module has given me more independance when designing from choosing my own content to chosing the most appropriate binding method, I have enjoyed the development of identifying a problem and developing it into a successful resolution.

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