Thursday 16 April 2015

Studio Brief 4 - Introduction

Studio Brief 4 - Reflective Practise - Speaking from experience  

Produce a graphic response/ graphic product /piece of work that makes a statement, comment, observation or gives advice about your experience on your first year of this course.

Work with any appropriate media or format and develop and identify the content will be entertaining, advisory or informative.

Interpretation of the Brief: 
I feel this brief will be a good way to recap first year on the course. I will have time to reflect on all the new friends, skills and experiences I have acquired over the year. I will then formulate these experiences into a statement to articulate to the first years on the course which will hopefully help them progress. My initial thoughts are that I should identify things I have struggled with during the course of the year and try to articulate this in a way which will help first years to avoid such problems I have encountered. I feel this will be an extremely fun and engaging project as it is so personal to me. I feel I will enjoy the process of reflecting on my first year in university and hope to produce a resolution that will appeal to the target audience of first year graphic design students and be engaging to them. 

Initial Research Plan: 
My initial research plan will be to brainstorm aspects of the course I fee could be developed into an appropriate statement that I will be able to use for the brief. I will then research production methods as I am eager to experiment with the delivery as we are presenting to the first years, I want my resolution to be physically engaging.  I plan to talk to other students to see if they feel my statement/response to the brief is relevant to other students on the course as this will strengthen my concept and make it more relevant to the course. Finally  I will collate this information into some initial design ideas that I will present to a group of students and tutors for feedback before developing a final resolution to the brief. 

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