Thursday 23 April 2015

Studio 4 - Colour Development

Studio Brief 4 - Reflective Practise - Speaking from experience  
Colour Development 

Having suggested I should change the colour from gold due to it being a similar colour to the cream canvas of the tote bags I wanted to experiment with different colour treatments. I wanted the colours to be bright and bold to grab the attention of the target audience and stand out to when wearing the bags.  I also wanted the colours to be relevant to the course to demonstrate to the new students how all their design decisions should be informed. I chose to experiment with Pink, Orange and Turquoise as I felt these were all bold and had specific relevance to the university. 

I chose to experiment with pink as it is featured within the Leeds College of Art branding.  I felt this would tie in well to the universities other collateral and could make the resolution seem more like genuine collateral. I think this worked well as it was bold and stood out however was unsure if it connote a gender bias making it less appealing to boys. 

I then experimented with Orange as this is specific to the graphic design course as our notice board features neon orange decals on the notice board. This to me represent the course as we are the only course within the college to use this neon orange on the notice board. I think this neon colour worked extremely well as it was bold and eye-catching and relevant to this course. 

Finally I trailed the turquoise green as this is a consistent feature throughout the college with all the doors painted this colour. To me this colour represents the college well and felt it could work well contrasting the black, I liked the results however was unsure if it was too general to the university whereas the orange was specific to the course. 

I then asked a range of students which colour treatment they felt worked best in being eye-catching, engaging and representative of the course. I found that there was quite a varied response to which colour treatment students felt worked best. 7 students said they felt the turquoise worked best however I felt that the orange would work well when screen printed as they have neon ink, as 6 students said they felt the orange would work best it was still a popular choice. I ultimately chose to develop the orange colour treatment into my final resolution as I felt it was more specifically representative of this course and felt the outcome would be particularly engaging with the use of neon ink. 

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