Monday 20 April 2015

Studio Brief 4 - Mind Map

Studio Brief 4 - Reflective Practise - Speaking from experience  
Mind Map 

As a starting point for this brief I felt it was important to identify a range of potential design directions in which I could take this project. I looked at a range of concepts that I felt would appeal to the target audience of freshers. I looked at things specific to art school to further specialise the audience. I considered focusing the context of my brief on artists and exhibitions as this was an area I felt I had little knowledge of coming from an A-level background and having not studied fine art, I liked this concept but was unsure how id make it engaging as the most appropriate outcome would probably be a small publication. I remember from my time in freshers I was given a lot of books, posters and publication of which I never got chance to read, this inspired me to make my outcome more engaging and something the target audience will want to interact with. 

The other concept that quite a few of my mind map points could be grouped into was progression and self awareness. At the start of university I was extremely nervous because I was specialising in graphic design, this lead to a range of self doubt thinking 'Am I good Enough' 'will everyone else be better than me' 'did i pick the right course/uni' etc. These things really concerned me in my first week of uni and It wasn't until way into the second module I started to feel confident with my briefs and myself as a designer. I felt this was more of a personal concept that I feel a lot of people would be able to engage with. 

I found that quite a lot of students I asked shared these similar feelings of self doubt and apprehension during freshers week. This informed my decision to make this the focus of my brief to produce a resolution that will reassure first year students and make them feel more confident. I will now look at ways to articulate this and what format my physical outcome will take. 

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