Wednesday 22 April 2015

Studio brief 4 - Initial Feedback

Studio Brief 4 - Reflective Practise - Speaking from experience  
Initial Feedback 

I created some simple digital mock ups of the two design directions I felt had potential to show a range of students and tutors, I wanted togged their feedback as to which design direction they felt would be the most successful. I firstly asked a range of students about the hand rendered concept and explained that it would make the messages more personal. I got mixed feedback about this direction as some stunts said they loved the concept of making it hand rendered to make it more personal and another student told me it reminded them of Jessica Walsh's hand rendered type. However other students didn't feel it represented graphic design enough and would have preferred actual typefaces as this is a big part of the first module and could inspire new students want to learn about type. 

Overall I received a far more positive reaction to my second design direction students loved the stand out word in gold however suggested sampling bold colours to give instant impact. They also told me it was far more legible than the hand rendered aesthetic which will make it easy to read from across the street etc. I Feel this design direction works better as it uses typefaces and altered leading which will link into things that first years learn at the start of the course so will be a physical outcome showing how it can be used in a real life application as I initially thought these type feature might be useless but have since used them quite a lot. Students suggested I could take this further adjusting the kerning and leading to create a block of text similar to a gird structure. I liked this concept as it would make the text neat and consistent. I will develop this design direction as myself, stunted and tutors all felt it had more potential. 

I then asked Amber for some feedback I wanted to know the exact wording she used with her statement. She told be she said 'possibly the best graphic design programme in the country' instead which I will amend in further development as I like how it is personal to her. She also suggested experimenting with colour as she felt gold may not stand out as much on the beige fabric of the tote bag, I agree with this and had not considered the limitations of the background and plan to experiment further with colour. 

Some final suggestions included experimenting with upper and lower case as it is easier to read a lowercase block of text however I was sceptical that this would not provide the bold eye-catching aesthetic I required. 

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