Tuesday 21 April 2015

Studio Brief 4 - Research: Tote Bag analysis

Studio Brief 4 - Reflective Practise - Speaking from experience  
Research - Tote Bag analysis 

Having identified tote bags to be a great form of delivery as it relates to my concept of making students feel more confident and will be more physically engaging I found a range of tote bags that I kept from my freshers. I wanted to analyse a range of the tote bags to see that type of designs they use and how I can incorporate certain features into my designs to create a successful outcome. 

The first bag I analysed was the Tote bag promoting the fuzzy logic club night at wire. I feel this tote bag if fairly representative of the event as it give off fun vibes and bold connotation. The event is a weekly event that plays alternative music including arctic monkeys and fleetwood mac. I feel this bag represents this well through the playful illustrations and hand rendered aesthetic. I like the simple uncomplicated illustrations that have no real link to one another as it creates an engaging aesthetic. 

I then analysed the Corn exchange tote bag, I like the composition of this design using the bold silhouette of the uniquely shaped building, this is a great design feature as most students will be new to the city and this element of the design could help to identify the corn exchange to students to have never been in leeds city centre before. I like the merge of serif and sans serif typeface as I feel it provides aviation to the design. The corn exchange promotes independent businesses and feel this design keeps to this. There is a unique and independent quality to the design it doesn't look corporate and gives friendly connotations such as the playful language 'magnificent' and 'individual'. 

Finally I looked at the leeds university union tote bag. This had a larger audience of all students to enjoy their time in the city and at university. I don't particularly like the aesthetic of this design, I think the hand-rendered typefaces give a slightly tacky aesthetic although this is from a design perspective to most students I feel it will give a playful friendly aesthetic that will engage them to pick it up. I like the bold statement and feel this is something that I would take from this design and like how they have incorporated social media into the design to further promote their cause. 

From this analysis I have learnt that it is important to consider the target audience when designing as thee three bags all target students as they were given out during freshers fairs however specifically target different groups of students. I feel as though I will have to make my bag quite sophisticated from a design perspective as it is targeted at designers who will appreciate a well designed aesthetic. As my specific focus is graphic designers I will pay particular detail to the type choices and features such as kerning and tracking to reinforce skills they will learn in their first module. 

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