Tuesday 21 April 2015

Studio Brief 4 - Difficulties

Studio Brief 4 - Reflective Practise - Speaking from experience  
Research - Difficulties

I asked a range of students what their main difficulties were when coming to university to get a better idea of how I could re-assure the new first year students. Some of the responses I received included;

  • Missing home x3
  • Making friends x4
  • workload x1
  • fitting in x3
  • If it was right for them x4

As this brief is a personal response to things I found difficult I then presented students with a range of questions which I asked them answer to get a better understanding if other students had similar worries to me. 

I firstly asked if they had any doubts if they were good enough to be on the course. Nearly all the students I asked said they questioned, some of the response I got were; 

  • Absolutely, I'm still kind of unsure
  • I was petrified everyone was going to be better than me 
  • I didn't do graphics in college so was scared I wouldn't know anything 
  • It took me way into the 1st year to realise I was doing okay haha 

This was a real concern for me too, coming from an A-level background and not doing a foundation course prior to university I was really apprehensive as to whether I'd be good enough for the course. 

I then asked if they had any doubts about the university/course since being at university as this was another concern of mine prior to the course. Having the choice to apply to a range of universities and opting for a small independent art college initially worried me as I wouldn't get the 'typical' university experience but after the first few weeks I was sure I had made the right decision for me. I was slightly surprised to see that quite a lot of students agreed that they had doubts before coming to university. Students told me that;

  • I was about to quit during the first module because I thought it was all type but then I really got into it. 
  • I wanted a big uni experience but the course was better here, I was apprehensive thought 
  • I nearly changed to illustration but then realised how open I could make the briefs. 
  • I came through clearing so felt rushed but so glad I stayed. 

This really helped me to solidify my context as I have found that a range of students have also had similar apprehensions to me at the start of the course. This helps me as I can design with assurance that other students have shared similar problems to me showing the likelihood that new students are likely to have similar concerns making my designs relevant. 

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