Monday 27 April 2015

Studio Brief 4 - Final Critique

Studio Brief 4 - Reflective Practise - Speaking from experience  
Final Critique 

I presented my finished resolution to a group of students and tutors in my final critique. They responded really well to my resolution and gave me good quality feedback. They felt the resolution was appropriate and unique because it was a physical product which was great way to show how diverse graphic design can be. They told me the outcome will provide a confidence boost to new students by telling them they can be anything. The group really liked the bright colours and get they would stand out and be very appealing to the first years. 

One student said they felt the statements were very inspirational and will make them want to pick it up in freshers and keep it. The whole group thought my outcome was very professional and thought DIN was a great type choice. My tutor mentioned that it was great to show new students that a type only outcome can be really effective as this is rare to see in prospective students portfolios and first year students, it is often mostly image based. He thought this was good as it might inspire new students to experiment with type only designs. 

Finally he added that if I still had my screen developed that it might be a nice addition to print some posters of the designs to put inside the bags as he felt it might be a nice addition to have something new students an put up in their rooms. 

I was very pleased with this feedback and agreed with the points made. I like the idea of having something inside the bags to reinforce the concept and will see if I have enough time before submission to screen print some posters. 

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