Tuesday 4 November 2014

Studio Brief 4 - Introduction

Studio Brief 4 - Message and Delivery - Delivery


Produce designs for a set of three high impact posters that deliver a personal identified message derived from your research into part one of this brief. 

The three posters should work as a set or series and be visually consistent. The first must be produced using sole type, the second sole image and the third a combination of both type and image. 

I am looking forward to starting this brief as I feel extremely creative, personal and engaging. I fell this is the vaguest brief we have been assigned so far so I am looking forward to being able to be as creative as possible in the hope of creating three bold, aesthetically pleasing outcomes.

Studio Brief 3, will inform the outcome of this brief, in which I researched Russell Brands alleged controversial claims about 9/11 conspiracy  theories. However I the focus of my investigation was to determine how the media's representations of this story differed to suit their target audience and political affiliations. This means my outcomes for Studio Brief 4 should reflect a backlash against the ambiguity and bias of the media, in a fashion that will engage the public and provoke change within the medias subjective framework.

I will firstly conduct some background research into the general history of posters to gather insight into renowned artists, styles and movements within poster history. I will then apply this research to a range of initial ideas that should aim to highlight my thought processes and document a host of potential design concepts. I will then gather primary research by  asking peers and lecturing staff for feedback on these designs to see which they feel will work best before developing them further into sophisticated design concepts. 

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