Sunday 30 November 2014

Studio Brief 1 - Initial Ideas [2]

Studio Brief 1 - Design Processes, Frame Shape

Initial Ideas [2]

Unsatisfied that I still not had an idea that I felt would fully resolve the brief, I continued with my initial ideas in a slightly more hands on manner. I purchased some flowers to see if I could create some interesting concepts with patterns and textures. I trimmed the leaves from the stalks and layered them over one another creating a dense layered texture. I then put this into photoshop and experimented with colour, filters and other effects. I produced some pretty interesting results but felt they were wrong for a photo frame backing paper. 

I also experimented with the petals seeing if I could create any interesting shapes or concepts from layering them into shapes that could be combined with other mediums  when developed such as watercolours and drawings however I felt the concept was too vague and weak to be produces across a set of 3 images. 

Another idea that I experimented with was the use of shape combined with a physical medium, I used acrylic paint and cut shapes from sponge as I thought the physical production of this would be more effective than trying to reproduce it digitally. I then placed these into photoshop and used filters and effects before experimenting with the placement of the concepts. 

As an extension of using physical paint I created another concept taking inspiration from Jackson Pollock, I created a similar paint splattered effect to his famous works then manipulated this on photoshop adding a brilliant white background, adjusting the hue/saturation of the paint and adding a box in the middle of the piece to house the required text. I think this concept works well but am unsure how I would develop this across a set of 3 designs. 

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