Sunday 30 November 2014

Studio Brief 1 - Initial Ideas [1]

Studio Brief 1 - Design Processes, Frame Shape

Initial Ideas [1]

From my mind map I could then start to easily generate a range of initial ideas that took a clear direction. I started with my illustrative theme and created a range of quickly sketched characters that I felt could work as a simple bold idea that would look good when produced digitally. From these I then asked peers for informal feedback and chose the strongest character to be developed into a series of simple illustration for the backing paper. As the function of this design is to sit inside a photo frame I used this theme of photography within my design. The set shows the different stages of my character taking a picture, developing the picture and the final picture. If developed I would look at keeping the illustrations black line drawings with no fill placed on a bold fill background to grab the customers eye. I think the set works well together as it is bold quirky and aesthetically pleasing, it has potential to be developed however I am unsure how I would manipulate it on photoshop as I feel it would be more appropriate to produce on Illustrator. 

Taking inspiration from pattern design and paisley-esque features I created this simple pattern consisting of shapes that will fulfil the brief in a stylish and contemporary manner. If developed further I would experiment with different colours, textures and patterns in photoshop. I could then further experiment with opacity and filters when layering the design to give a block pattern effect.

I looked at mazes as a potential source of inspiration, I liked the geometric shapes and lines and thought it would be an intriguing concept, It could also be used as a functioning maze for bored children/adults being forced to shop. I like this concept but similarly to the illustration idea I think it would work better produced in illustrator as opposed to photoshop, I feel it would look forced if I tried to manipulate the image for the sake of fulfilling the brief. 

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