Monday 10 November 2014

Studio Brief 4 - Interim Critique

Studio Brief 4 - Message and Delivery - Delivery

Interim Critique

Having developed an extensive range of initial ideas and established my the strongest designs based on my own opinions and the views of other students I felt confident to present these ideas to a group of students and lecturers in an interim critique. We were split into groups and asked to present our initial thoughts about what we could produce, I was told to articulate the message behind my designs and explain their concept. 

I explained how although Studio brief 3 was about Russell Brand I had chosen to focus specifically to focus on how the media had reported the story subjectively. This lead to my decision to focus on media bias throughout this brief. 

I presented my designs and explained their individual concepts (Concepts) before asking for feedback from the group. They were largely supportive of these concepts however the lecturer made specific comments to how he thought my designs almost conveyed 3 separate that although work together and look aesthetically pleasing, he felt they could work better if one unified message was presented over the 3 posters. In retrospect I agree with this feedback as it will create a unified range out outcomes that work together to articulate my specific message. 

Members of the critique group said their favourite design was from my text and image concept, they liked the simple design saying 'the image is strong and bold' and 'I love the statement' this was reinforced by a number of students including the lecturer saying this was their favourite design. 

From this feedback I can now look at ways to present a unified message based on the design of my text and image concept. I think I will try to include a similar style across the range of outcomes, that following the positive feedback should echo the design of this concept. I will aim to use simple bold imagery that efficiently informs the audience. In order to achieve this I feel as though I need to conduct some more research into specific designers such as Shepard Fairey who using bold simple imagery I will look at other screen print designers as I feel I can take inspiration from the bold simple stencils used. 

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