Sunday 2 November 2014

Studio Brief 3 - Final Critique

Studio Brief 3 - Message and Delivery - Research
Final Critique

For my final critique I decided to present my information on A3 boards however later I found that the presentation could be delivered through a projector so I presented these boards digitally with accompanying notes summarising each of the aspects I have researched. I feel the presentation style was appropriate as I thought the best way to present extended research would be to show the information clearly in set columns, this also gave the information added academic connotations. Full information from these boards can be found here; Studio Brief 3 - Research

Board 1

Board 2 

Board 3 

I felt my presentation went well, I summarised the relevant information in a succinct and hopefully engaging manner, Some of the feedback I received was largely positive for example it was clear to see I had undertaken extensive research that covered a wide range of topics. A student said she liked the presentation because 'The columns remind me of a newspaper layout' they also said they liked my focus on the ambiguity and bias of the media. However a member of staff said I could have improved it my just adding key information to the digital presentation and elaborating verbally on this as a text heavy publication is not ideal to present. I agree with this feedback however I felt the only way to evidence my extended research was to display it throughout the presentation.


I chose to elaborate on this constructive feedback to see how my presentation would have differed if I had only included key information on the digital projector. Here is an example of how one slide may have looked; 

Revised presentation style

I agree with the feedback given as this new style would have made the presentation more aesthetically pleasing and inviting as text heavy document do not normally attract an audience, If I were to conduct this research again I feel I would use a similar style to this for the presentation and include a physical handout detailing the my full body of research for my audience to read at their leisure. 

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