Sunday 2 November 2014

Studio Brief 2 - Grid

OUGD403 - Visual Thinking - Vector Type

With a newly found knowledge of grid systems founded by self initiated and assigned research I now feel confident in creating a grid that can be applied to my typeface. I had initially created some basic grids that worked well in principle for some letters however did not accommodate the full alphabet. 

I then developed on from the by using the standard Futura typeface as a basis for my grid, seen as though my modified typeface only uses the outer lines of the typeface I decided to create a grid consisting of these outer edge lines in order to make that start of a grid that will function for my whole typeface across every letterform. 

I later decided to develop this digitally, ready for when I produced my typeface in full on adobe illustrator. I used the same process of creating guides around the outer edge of each letterform to create a rough grid for my typeface although digitally this was for more precise. 

This gave me a final gird I could easily work with and amend easily if necessary. I think my gird words well as there is not an excessive amount of line, it uses only the bare minimum to function properly. The outcome is consistent with other grids I have seen through my research and I feel this will be a key tool in ensuring a successful outcome. 

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