Thursday 6 November 2014

Studio Brief 2 - Outcome Presentation

OUGD403 - Visual Thinking - Vector Type


As the deliverable for this brief was an A3 poster I felt the need to consider the visual aesthetic of the final piece.  I wanted my poster to look professional and of industry standard. To ensure this I conducted some research into how type specimens are often presented in order to inform my decision of how I would present my final outcome, full research can be found here; Research.

I started with my uppercase and quickly decided I wanted my text to be justified, this was easier said than done as I could not perfectly kern the letters equally within the allotted space, this meant I had to improvise and judge the kerning by eye, I feel this worked well as to the naked eye the format of the typeface looks professional and modern. I then ensured the baseline was the same across all letterforms, finally I experimented with the leading of the typeface creating two variated. After discussions with peers and self evaluation I decided I prefer the left variant as the right feels too dispersed. 

Justified text

Uniform Baseline

Leading experimentation

I conducted a similar process with the lowercase however I had to take into account added variables such as the ascend and descend lines, again I had to kern by eye as it was extremely difficult to justify the letterforms with an even kerning however I feel it worked well overall.

I then created titles for each poster in their respective typefaces again these were kerned appropriately  with a uniform base height and I feel the outcome is very professional and shows off the typeface well. 

I also created an A3 poster for the grids used, these also incorporated my typeface into these posters within the titles. I feel these titles work well however if i were to do it again I would adjust the ascender hight to make a stark difference between the upper and lower cases. 

Finally I created an image of my typeface in context, this allowed me to see the potential application for the typeface. I decided to place it within a JPEG image as a poster. I gathered the inspiration from Tumblr posts that use bold imagery and thought provoking quotations, I felt my typeface would work well juxtaposed against a delicate image. I decided to convert the image to grayscale so that emphasis would not be taken away from the typeface itself with the use of colour.


Another deliverable for this brief was the outcomes should be printed in the digital print resource to which we were given an introduction to. I was impressed the with facilities the college offers and the vast amount of stock and print methods available to me. For this brief I chose to print my outcomes on satin paper to give a high quality finish that reflects the modern stylistic features of my typeface.


Here are my final outcomes, I am extremely pleased with them as they communicate my assigned word affectively and yet stays true to its Futura origins. The outcome is clean simple and modern and the range of outcomes shows the typefaces versatility.

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