Wednesday 5 November 2014

Studio Brief 4 - Initial Concepts

Studio Brief 4 - Message and Delivery - Delivery
Initial Concepts

From this research I then started to think about my message and how I could express this through only text, only image and a combination of the two. My message needed to be clear and ideally be understood quickly my the public on the move. This lead me to create a range of initial quick sketches that formed my initial ideas. 


I created 4 concepts for each of the 3 outcomes to give me a range of initial ideas I could work with and develop in order to achieve the best outcome. The text posters used thought provoking quotes and messages in order to catch the audiences attention, I used a range of styles when looking at the visual aesthetic of each poster for example using bold simple glyphs in the first, provocative text with ample white space for the 2nd, a futuristic modernist inspired3rd and finally a conceptual classic taking inspiration from the dictionary. I feel the concepts for these text posters are very strong and have real potential to be developed in strong and successful concepts. 

I found my image poster slightly harder to generate ideas for as I found it was difficult to articulate a a strong unified message with no use of text. My first design draws on the power of corporate news agencies that seem to control the general public like puppets on a string. The second draws inspiration from tarot cards; justice reversed means biased and unfair, the third represents how the media is portrayed as evil and the fourth depicts a reform against the ignorance to portraying the media as a credible source of inspiration. 

Finally my text and images posters communicated a blend between clear illustration supported by text to reinforce the message. My first design highlights a faceless corporate figure that suggests he is the influence behind the media, the second contains bold imposing imagery anchored with text that further explains the message, third consists of a simple yet affective design, the minimal illustration is intensified through the statement and uses negative space to create a strong design, Finally the fourth design uses conceptual text with appropriate imagery create a quirky design. I am happy with the outcome of these initial ideas, I feel they have strong design concepts that have the potential to be developed into sophisticated successful concepts. 

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