Tuesday 4 November 2014

Studio Brief 2 - Lowercase and Numbers

OUGD403 - Visual Thinking - Vector Type

Lowercase and Numbers 

As an extension of this project I decided to experiments and see how my typeface would translate to lowercase letterforms and numbers. I used the same principle as I did when creating my uppercase grid (full information found here: Grids) and applied it to both lowercase letterforms and numbers. I felt this would give me a holistic range of letterforms to show the extent of how my typeface can be applied and increase its potential real life application. I feel both grids (found below) work well as they incorporate the key guided needed in a succinct way that does does overcomplicate or confuse the overall grids.

Lowercase grid construction
Lowercase Grid
Numbers grid construction

Numbers Grid

With these grids successfully constructed I could begin work on my lowercase letterforms and numbers. Having already completed my uppercase letterforms I had a confident understanding of illustrator and the tools needed in order to produce an aesthetically pleasing outcome. Similarly to my uppercase letterforms I used Futura as the basis for these letterforms by placing them into my grid, I then converted this text object into a shape which I could then manipulate by deleting irrelevant anchor points and adjusting the letterform to fit my gird as well as looking aesthetically pleasing. 
A standardised example of the process that I followed in order to create my letterforms can be found on the my uppercase documentation (Uppercase) however some letterforms derived from this basic principle for example the letterform 's'. Additional lines were required to make this letterform work, this process was extremely complicated to figure out at first and took longer than anticipated to execute as I had to make sure they curve remained perfect and did not distort with bumps etc during the modification process. Below highlights a brief documentation of how this was achieved; 

Original Text letterform

Black Stroke added and converted to shape

Deleted excess anchor points 

Copied curve for modification

Created curve in the middle of the letterform

Joined curve to the rest of the letterform 

Completed 'S' 

Once again the numbers followed the same initial process found in my uppercase blogpost (Uppercase) and all worked perfectly, I did not need to add any additional lines and all of the numbers worked perfectly within the grid. 
I am extremely happy with the outcomes of both my lowercase and numerical typefaces as they work well as individual letterforms as well as across a sequence. I like how they have translated well from capitals to theses additional forms, this is due to my minimalist well thought out concept. Both typefaces look professional with clean lines and a modern feel, they will also create synergy with my uppercase meaning the whole typeface flows. 

Completed Numbers

Completed Lowercase

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