Saturday 29 November 2014

Studio Brief 1 - Research

Studio Brief 1 - Design Processes, Frame Shape


My initial research was to go online at look at photo frames and their backing papers from a range of different retailers. From this I collated a range of imagery that I could then look analyse for similar trends and features within my sample. I looked at a range of retailers varying in budget including; John Lewis, Asda, Marks & Spencer and Homebase, Some of the images can be found below; 



John Lewis
Marks & Spencer

From my online research I definitely prefer the concepts that incorporate image into the design however I feel the likes of Homebase have relied too heavily of standard stock imagery, there seems to be little innovation and creativity present within their backing papers. John Lewis uses classy shades of champagne and brown to create a luxurious effect that is simple and minimalistic however I feel it could be easily overlooked and doesn't stand out. Asda, I feel, is a low quality product due to its basic and unimaginative design however Marks and Spencer succeeds in creating a frame sole fit for its purpose. 

I also conducted a range of primary research by going into town and visiting a range of shops with different price ranges and target audiences to analyse their backing papers for photo frames. I visited Wilkinsons, Urban Outfitters and Next and collected a range of images, found below; 



Urban Outfitters

I found that Wilkinsons uses the same circular shape design for all their frames creating a boring and uninspiring display, there is no use of imagery and the colour selection is poor, they have used bland colours such as grey and brown which will not attract the consumer. Next on the other hand have a range of photo frames and backing papers that appeal to a more upmarket audience, they use a range of photography and texture that will attract and audience to some extent and has been the best example of backing paper I have found this far. Finally Urban Outfitters is tailored to a young and contemporary audience, I feel this is encapsulated within their frame and backing paper designs. Colour photography and aesthetically pleasing models and locations are used to help sell these products. 

From this research I found that existing photo frames use a range of stock imagery that can become boring and cliche for example famous landmarks in monochrome and a stock wedding photos etc, Personally this does not attract me towards a photo frame as essentially the backing paper is an added marketing tool to help sell the frame, For this reason I think the backing papers should be engaging, quirky and eye-catching in order to entice a buyer increasing the changes of selling the product, I will try to include these element into my designs in order to create a successful outcome. 

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