Wednesday 25 February 2015

Studio Brief 1 - Submission

Studio Brief 1 - Design Practise, Professional Practise - Secret 7 

Based on feedback from my final critique I decided to develop my second design as suggested by transforming the squares of the window into app icons to make the design more contextual. I started by rounding off the corners of the squares in illustrator before reapplying the colours to create a new variation of the design. I feel this design works well and applying an extra layer of meaning to the design my further contextualising it to the track. 

Having developed this design further I could then make an informed decision as to which design I felt was the most appropriate resolution to the brief. I obtained final feedback from a range of students as to which design they felt was the most appropriate and found that both designs were equally voted for as the most appropriate resolution. This left it up to me which design I would submit as the final resolution to the brief. I chose to submit design one as the final resolution to this brief as I felt it had a stronger concept behind the design. Although design 2 is equally aesthetically pleasing I felt the concept of design 1 was stronger and is a more unique and interesting interpretation of the track.  I then submitted this design to the secret 7 competition through the website. I feel this design is an interesting and unique interpretation of the track however I am unsure if it will be successful in being selected for the secret 7 competition based on the high volume of entries from designers all over the world however I am satisfied that I have successfully create  an engaging outcome for the brief and am happy with my resolution. 

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