Sunday 22 February 2015

Design Principles - What is a Book - Further Research: Geraldine Georges

Design Principles
What is a book? 
Artist Focus -  Geraldine Georges

As I had determined that I wanted make my publication visual in terms of an image juxtaposing the text I started to look at different illustration styles. I searched for a range of styles on pinterest as this was a great way to become exposed to a range of notable illustrators and their works. One particular piece that I found really engaging was an Illustration one by  Geraldine Georges. He abstract style attracted me however it was still refined with the structured use of minimal colour and there was a continuity within her work which I loved. I felt this image appealed to the visual style I like and wanted to research more of her work. 

I found that Geraldine Georges is a young Belgian Illustrator and Graphic Designer that uses a sophisticated blend of illustration and photography in her work, creating an appealing mix of mediums. Her work is very abstract and often highlights the human form, capturing her imagination and fashion influence. I felt I could take  great inspiration from Geraldine Georges' work as its her combinations blended a range of media keeping the images egging and unique while I felt her use of shape and lines could be manipulated to create more sinister illustrations to fit  my context. I wanted to experiment with this style as I was really inspired by her work, I wanted to create some initial designs that were based on her illustrations yet were developed in my unique style making them persona and more suitable to my concept. 

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