Sunday 15 February 2015

Studio Brief 1 - Research - St. Vincent

Studio Brief 1 - Design Practise, Professional Practise - Secret 7 
Research - St. Vincent

Having listened to all of the tracks selected by secret 7 I decided to go with St. Vincent as my entry for the competition. I feel as if this track spoke to me the most, it was energetic, confident and sophisticated, which gave me a range of instant ideas of how I could work with the track, in order to interpret it in my own way. I wrote down my initial reactions to the track during the first time I listened to it, some of the connotations included: confident, quirky, metaphoric, dance, society and unique. This gives me a range of connotations to experiment with when creating a range of initial ideas, however first I felt it was important to research the artist to get an understanding of her personality.

St. Vincent is also known by her christian name as Annie Clark, She is a singer/songwriter from Oklahoma born in September 1982. She started her career as part of a rock band called the 'polyphonic spree' and in 2006 formed her own band before moving to New York. She has had great success with her solo project of St. Vincent with 4 studio albums of which her latest, released February 2014, entitled 'St. Vincent' won her a grammy for Best Alternative Album. 

I then looked at the track itself, Digital Witness was the leading single for her self titled fourth studio album. I read into the meaning of the song as when listening to the track I felt the lyrics were hinting at a metaphorical scenario to which I was correct. The song talks about an over-reliance on digital technology with St Vincent almost mocking those who comform to the 'pull' of social media documenting their every thought for un-needed approval turning into almost digital zombies, if other people agree like something then they must like it too. Mathew Perpetua sums this up well in his buzzfed article stating 'digital witness is a portrait of someone whose desperate need for attention and affirmation has metastasized into full-blown social media addiction and a distance from active life.'


I also watched a track by track interview by St. Vincent where she talked about the inspiration behind each song on her new album, this gave me great insight as to what she was trying to convey within each track, this will help me when trying to reinterpret the artwork for digital witness. 'the song digital witness encapsulates this idea where we've become very dependant on other people' by this she doesn't mean in the flesh she talked about 'one million digital eyes validating our experience'. This gave me ideas of how I could represent this through the artwork and gives me another avenue to pursue with my designs.

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