Tuesday 24 February 2015

Studio Brief 2 - Study Task 3

Studio Brief 2 - Individual Practise - The Leeds Library Book Cover
Study Task 3

For Study Task 3 we were asked to look at the list of words given to us by a group of students in study task 2 and firstly subvert any negative words into descriptive words that I would aim to communicate through my re-interpretations of the cover design. I then had to choose a typeface which was representative of the feedback and suggestions I received from the feedback in Studio Brief 2. 

From this I was then given the task to create a design layout with the following limitations; 
I had to define a hierarchy for the information present on the cover (this followed the format of Title, Subtitle, Author, Publisher).  I then had to choose a type size/style/alignment appropriate for the information, I was only allowed to work in Black and White at A4 scale, Finally the design had to be purely typographic with no use of symbols or imagery. I was only given 20 minutes to create this design digitally including printing which left little time for experimentation. 

I created this highly structured layout as I felt it represented the words I wanted my design to convey, I chose Futura as my typeface as it conforms to the modernist principles of simple yet effective design this is an appropriate typeface as Papenek talks about efficiency within design. I have created a geometric grid with two definitive columns to separate the text. I feel this design conforms to the hierarchy I created as the title is bold and eye-catching this then follows a linear progression to the subtitle with the author and subtitle in a smaller point size in the 1st column. I experimented with point size in this design gradually decreasing from the bold block caps title to the smaller lowercase subtle to reinforce the hierarchy to the reader. I positioned the title to the right as I felt this would look more contemporary and purposefully designed as the target audience for the book is designers. Overall I feel this design is successful in communicating the selection of words I chose to represent my vision. 

As an expansion of this task as a group we then placed our designs on the table next to a piece of paper and were instructed to look at each other designs literally judging the book my its cover, we were instructed to write down the first words that came into our heads when we saw the covers,  I received largely positive feedback as the words that first came to mind when students saw my design included; 
Great use of white space,

From this feedback it shows I was successful within my design even though I only had a very short space of time to complete this, my initial list of words consisted of words such as simple, clear practical and contemporary. It is evident that my design conforms to these principles as I multiple students commented on how they felt the design was modernist, minimal, futuristic and clear. This suggests that I have succeeded in creating a cover design that appeals to the target audience and is informed my the content. If I were to develop this into a sophisticated concept I would adjust the leading and experiement with colour and texture. 

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