Tuesday 10 February 2015

Design Principles - What is a Book - Idea Critique

Design Principles
What is a book? 
Idea critique  

For this session we had been told to consider what the content of our book would be and ideas of how we would produce this, We informed that the book could either contain information on typesetting features essential for producing a book or we could use our own content however this would require us to demonstrate our knowledge of these features through other methods. We were put into groups to discuss our ideas with the module leader who then gave us feedback as to which concept we should pursue. 

I had two concepts I felt could be developed into an appropriate resolution to the brief, the first being a book based on typographical terminology. From first learning about typography I felt the terminology sounded quite sinister for example; Orphans Widows, Rivers, Leading etc these all gave me sinister connotations which lead to the formulation of my concept; DEATH BY TYPE. I would choose a range of sinister sounded typography terminology and define each concept along side a literal illustration of the word for example I would define widow in relation to its typographical meaning and juxtapose this with an illustration of a woman at her husbands grave. I feel this concept could work well in applying an interesting concept to a relatively dull topic. My second concept features a short story I wrote for English Language A-level coursework, This short story was extremely descriptive and would give me a range of stimuli to create engaging illustrations that relate to the content within the book. 

I explained these concepts to the group of students and module leader, the overall favoured concept was my first concept, 'death by type' students said they loved the name and thought it could be an interesting way to make type terminology engaging. The module leader said he liked the concept and thought it had good potential, He suggested the layout of the type could be similar to a dictionary as this has extremly good typesetting. He said I could formulate a grid to keep the design holistic throughout and felt it could be developed into a good concept that has real life application to educate students about typesetting terminology. I will continue to develop this concept and write it up as a full plan that I can then start to develop into a sophisticated concept.

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