Saturday 21 February 2015

Studio Brief 1 - Interim Critique

Studio Brief 1 - Design Practise, Professional Practise - Secret 7 
Interim Critique 

The interim critique for this brief was unusual compared to previous crits I have taken part in during my time on the course thus far. Instead of presenting our ideas to a group of peers for them to then give feedback on these concepts we instead wrote a series of questions we wanted to be answered and left our work on display for other students to then answer these questions individually and anonymously. I feel this worked well as it was an opportunity to receive impartial, anonymous feedback which I felt would be more truthful than giving verbal feedback face to face. 
I created a range of open questions that would ensure a host of qualitative data that can help me improve upon my designs to ensure they are successful and meet the brief.

The responses to my questions included; 

Are there any colour changed you would make? -  If so which? 

Incorporate another brighter colour to make it stand out. 
Very nice colour choices for 1 & 4 maybe make design 1 brighter.
Number 1 could have bolder colours that clash. 
I would change the background on number 1 to something that contrasts the hair and outline rather than complementing it

Perhaps change the colour of the twitter logo to the original for a more solid design. 
Change the turquoise to the blue used in on twitter/social media.

I don't like the pink with the green sun, reminds me of school programmes, if you changed it to blue it would look better - but thats only me.
Maybe design 3 to more muted colours as it looks quite happy.

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I would maybe add some colour to the 5th design as it looks very basic and lacks impact, try using colours similar to the other designs.
Experiment with changing the black lines to different colours. 
5 could work better with bright colours. 
I would change the colours from black and white in number 5 to brighter ones like in design 3. 
I think design 5 could have some colour in it similar to design 2 or 3 because it looks really plain and dull. 

I think the colours are really good ad they stand out due to some clashing colours. 
No. The pastel nature of the colours used here are a very good link to the music video. 

Which design would you be most likely to purchase and why? 

I would probably purchase the first one as I think the colours work well together and I like the simplicity. Its the negative space that makes it stand out. I also think there is a good contrast 'scribbly' lines and the more curved ones. 
Number 1 because I like its simplicity but its effective. 

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Number 3. The colours really stand out to me, it looks clean, simple but also eye catching. you can also recognise the link  to the song without it being too obvious. 
3, Subtle and engaging. Reminds me of some tv programmes I used to watch when I was younger.  
Number 3 because of the use of bright colours and the simple image in the centre. Also the colours are vibrant and make the design stand out from the rest. 

The idea of the spinal chords as a USB is really cleaver and matches with the song and the use of colours are really good. 
Number 4 as it is very intriguing and attracts me to the colours. 
Fourth currently but maybe the first if it used a brighter blue for the background. 
I would consider number 4 as its very expressionistic. 
I would most likely buy design 4 as has an abstract and vague nature but is still apparent. Its meaning perfectly captures what I believe makes up a good piece of album artwork. 

Number 5 as the design is interesting and conveys some sort of message. 

Do you think the artwork reflects the song ? - How?

I think the first and 4th are fair reflections of the song with inspiration from theme. However it  took me a few looks to notice the twitter logo in the last one so I don't think its a strong reflection of the song. 
Yes because of the technology links and the window however I think 2 doesn't reflect as well, I like the idea but think it's too close to looking like an advert for twitter. 
Designs 4 and 5 represent the song well. I didn't really get the 2nd one but I felt the 1st design really represented St. Vincent as a recognisable character. 
Yes it does however some show the artists looks and other show the meaning of the song through the use of social media and technology iconography. 
Yes to an extent however not sure about the meanings behind 4 and 5. 
Yes as you can see St. Vincents iconic hair (design 1) and I think you have used colours similar to those in the music video.
Yes because the use of colours are similar to the ones used in the music video and the hair is a clear indication to the song (design 1)
The first 4 designs have a very good link to the song but are also vague enough to leave the viewer wondering. 

Which is your favourite design in relation to its composition style etc.?

I changed this question from 'which is your favourite design' half way through the critique during a break as I realised it was too similar to the 2nd question. 

DESIGN 1 - The composition of 1 is great - rule of thirds. Its also subtle in colour with the use of thin line drawings. 

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Definitely number 3 as its composition draws you in straight away. The colours are also reminiscent of being in a retro video game suggesting that you can get trapped within the digital world. 
Number 3 because the colours are bright and the composition is well set out with a nice clean layout. It's simple image conveys a big message to the audience. 
Number 3, simple and eye-catching. the small windows makes it look like something to strive for? it also links to the lyrics. 

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How can it be improved?

I love the simplicity of the design, I think they're really cleaver. Maybe you could exaggerate her hair more in the first design - Almost make it a full bleed, absolutely huge. 
Number 1 because you did a better version of it for number 2. 
I think 1 would work as just the scribbled line on its own. 
In design 1 you could clean up the hair so it's all curved - there are some areas that are linear that ruin the effect. 

I feel number 2 could have some more vector objects or image because it looks very plain. 
Maybe more of a concept for Number 2 because I don't really understand it. 
I think 2 needs to be a bit more obvious as without seeing 1 before it I was quite confused.

Change colour of the sun in design 3 to be the same as the mountains or the background as I think there are too many colours in this design. 
Add more texture to number 3 ?

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DESIGN 5 -  
I think changing the colours for design 5 on the lines and the background, I think leaving them black and white doesn't make the design stand out enough. 
I don't like number 5, It could be produced in a different way as it looks like the pen is bleeding (this could be effected if exaggerated).

I do like the simple designs but really feel like they need more to them as they wouldn't stand out as much over other designs. Maybe consider more depth and other production techniques other than just vectors. 

I really feel as though I have collated a host of good quality data that I can no use when developing me designs into sophisticated concepts. I will take into consideration all feedback I have received during this interim critique and will consider the changed suggested with the aim of creating the strongest designs possible. 

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