Wednesday 25 February 2015

Design Principles - What is a Book - Further Initial Ideas

Design Principles
What is a book? 
Further Initial Ideas 

As a result of the inspiration from Geraldine Georges I wanted to create a design concept that had a similar style to her bold abstract illustrations. I felt this design direction could work well as it is more sophisticated and I feel will appeal more to my target audience of designers.  I wanted to take inspiration from Geraldine Georges work however add my own twist onto it making my illustrations unique and more fitting to my concept. Similarly to my first design direction I wanted to create a mock up that  I could test against my target audience to see if they felt the design direction was successful before developing it throughout my publication. 

I started by taking inspiration from this particular example of Geraldine Georges' work. I liked the cohesive blend of illustration and photography that is subtle and engaging. I started by creating image illustrated in a similar style I felt the eyes looked as though the face was crying.  I wanted to accentuate this and felt it could work well for the illustration of the widow page. I overlaid a similar illustration make on illustrator over a photograph to make a similar effect.I overlaid a similar illustration make on illustrator over a photograph to make a similar effect.

I wanted to layer up some more illustrations around the photography, I wanted to add a more sinister aesthetic to the image as this would be more appropriate to my context. I took inspiration from another students tattoo and decided as it was a mock up I would manipulate the tattoo instead of hand rendering my own imagery. If developed this design direction across my whole publication similarly to Geraldine Georges work I would combine a range of photography, texture and hand drawn illustration. 

I then decided to layer these up the imagery and implemented bursts of texture to add an extra layer to the image and give it a collage aesthetic. I like how the image is expressive and in a relatively post modern style yet still has a structured quality with the geometric shapes balancing the design. I like the aesthetic of this design as I feel it works well referencing the inspiration of Geraldine Georges work while adding a sinister twist with the use of dark colours and conventionally sinister imagery making it appropriate to my concept.

I then trailed a double page spread layout design.  I feel this design works well as it has a vast amount of white space that  I find aesthetically pleasing. I have included the dictionary style typesetting that recede popular feedback during my informal critique. I feel my imagery works well within this design as it is in essence structured expressionism. The geometric shapes work well to contain the bright textures and bold illustrations that then balances well with the other minimal elements of the page giving a contemporary aesthetic that I think will be popular with a target audience of designers. 

Similarly to my first design direction I will ask students for their feedback towards this design direction as they are my target audience. If they feel this direction is contemporary and engaging then I will develop this concept across my whole publication.

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