Friday 20 February 2015

Design Principles - What is a Book - Informal Critique

Design Principles
What is a book? 
Informal critique

I wanted to hear peoples thought about the design I have developed and if they felt it met my concept.  As my target audience for this publication be designers and to further define as students due to the education nature of the publication I felt students from my class would provide the most valuable feedback to me.  I gathered a small group of students as I wanted to collate a range of good quality quantitive data and asked them a range of question.  I firstly explained my concept and asked them if they felt this design aesthetic reflected my concept,  The majority of the group felt  I had succeeded in creating an design that well represented the sinister nature of my concept.  

I then asked if they felt the design worked most people agreed with this with students commenting 'yes I think it works really well as it instantly creates evil connotations with the black background' another student said they liked the illustrations because it looks like it could have been scratched into a wall/blackboard by hand using their nails, I thought this was a nice interpretation and added a darker take on my design.

I asked if they liked they typesetting using the dictionary theme throughout my publication, all the students agreed that this was a nice touch for example "I really like the dictionary typesetting its fits the content really well as its defining the anatomy of type". Another student said 'I like this typesetting because you've managed to include serif, sans-serif, bold italic and capitals all into one and it looks great, I think it will look really cool if done consistently throughout" I found this really positive and decided that I would keep this thought further developing it to only include relevant information, such as no word classes (as discussed in my dictionary research).

Finally I asked if this design appealed to them directly for example would they buy it.  I received very mixed feedback to this last question as some students felt that it worked well with the context and greater a spooky aesthetic. However over half of the students said they wouldn't personally buy it because they felt the overall style wasn't that eye-catching. When I enquired further some students said they they thought it was a really cool concept and they could see where I was coming from but it wasn't their personal taste so wouldn't buy it. 

I was slightly shocked by the response to the last question as I felt that the designs were engaging however the aesthetic is fairly abstract and know from working with these students that quite the majority prefers a more minimal aesthetic.  I have taken a lot of valuable feedback from this critique and feel I will create some more initial ideas before developing the full publication as I am not confident that this design direction will be successful. Looking back on the feedback and reviewing my designs I feel as though I can create something more contemporary and specially designed for designers to create a higher quality outcome. 

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