Sunday 15 March 2015

Design Principles - What is a Book - First Draft

Design Principles
What is a book? 
First Draft

With my content laid out I printed my first draft using the start laser jet printer to get an idea of how the final printed outcome would look. I was very impressed with the outcome of the first draft as I thought it looked contemporary and engaging especially when flicking through and seeing the bold illustrations. 

I then asked a range of students to give me their opinions on the first draft of my publication. I found that these were largely positive with comments including 'This looks really professional. I love how its set out with the big bright images on one half then the text neatly laid out on the overlapping page, really cool' another student said 'The typesetting like the dictionary works really well with the blend of typefaces etc, I really like how you've put the phonetic translation in their too it makes it look more authentic' finally another student said 'I really like the flow throughout the geometric shapes are really you and I like how you've incorporated them to make the whole thing progress really easily from one page to another.' 

This feedback was really encouraging as it shows that my research and critiques have lead me to create a publication that is engaging to its audience and well designed with my inspiration still visible in my final outcome. 

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