Tuesday 24 March 2015

Studio Brief 3 - Final Critique

Studio Brief 3 - Collaborative Practise - Leeds Library Exhibition Branding 
Final Critique

We presented out final concept pitch to the programme leader and a range of second year student. I thought our presentation went well as we created a formational presentation that highlighted our collective body of work as we articulated our design decision and we also compiled a comprehensive budget tier system to aid our presentation. 

Overall the feedback we received was mixed as a group they loved the concept and felt it was unique to place the focus on the students as opposed to the work however they were unsure if the concept was strong enough for members of the public. 

They felt the design of the flyer was inconsistent with the rest of the collateral with the use of chevrons

It was suggested that there was too much text on the invitation which makes it off putting and unappealing to read

Most students felt hanging the work at an angle would not work and would be irritating however they lived the concept of vinyl decals around the space at 45 degree angles

They liked the alternative invitation however felt it may be unfeasible to produce due to the accuracy of folding the time consumption and print budget. 

I agree with the feedback given and feel as though it was overall quite positive as they loved our collateral they especially like the continuity between the design (except the flyers) and were particularly impressed by our attention to detail with the budget tiers. I feel the changed they suggested would be easily amenable if our propel was selected as to be produced.

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