Sunday 8 March 2015

Studio Brief 3 - Introduction

Studio Brief 3 - Collaborative Practise - Leeds Library Exhibition Branding 

Working as part of a creative team put together a pitch for the concept, branding, identity and promotional collateral for the Book cover exhibition at Leeds Library.

Create an engaging, identity and promotional campaign for the Book cover Exhibition. What is unique about this exhibition? How can the content, location, exhibitors potentially inform your design treatment. Who is the target audience? What do they need to know? How will you engage with them?
Interpretation of the brief; 
I think this is a really exiting brief that I am looking forward to working on. I feel this brief simulates a real life industry brief collaborating with other designers and pitching against other groups to ultimately win the opportunity to brand the exhibition and for our concept to be produced for the real life application. I am excited that the brief is so open as we can come up with a completely unique concept as there aren't many limitation, this means we can create a truly engaging body of work for the exhibition that will hopefully be successful in winning the pitch. 

I am in a group with 4 other designers and feel my group is extremely strong. Having been in critiques with all of the other students I know they are all strong designers and each have their particular strengths I feel can be combined in oder to create a truly strong as successful resolution to the brief.  I feel the brief will be challenging at first as working within a group there will naturally be a vast range of ideas that could be potentially difficult to narrow down to one concept everybody feels is strong enough to be successful however I feel that we will be able to combine ideas in order to create a successful collaboration. I feel my group has a good opportunity to create a strong concept and subsequent body of graphic design that has a strong chance of winning the pitch due to our combined successes throughout the course so far. 

Research Plan; 
Having talked to the group we have decided that our initial research plan will be to research examples of exhibitions including graphic design exhibitions and other exhibition we found aesthetically pleasing over the weekend so that when we meet on monday we already have a broad range of research we can analyse and identify components we want to incorporate within our own branding of the exhibiton.  We also discussed starting to think about potential themes and ideas for our exhibition over the weekend so that we can maximise our productivity on monday when we are all together, We aim to have a critique of our individual ideas on monday to start to look at potential concepts we feel could work for our exhibition. We will then plan the rest of our time according based on the progress made in this first session. We have planned to meet at 9:30 in the second year studio and will plan our subsequent time accordingly   

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