Tuesday 3 March 2015

Studio Brief 2 - Final Critique

Studio Brief 2 - Individual Practise - The Leeds Library Book Cover
Final Critique 

Following the development of my concept from its initial idea to a sophisticated concept I feel I created a successful resolution to the brief. I presented this resolution to a group of students and lecturers to gain summative feedback towards my final design. Prior to the critique I prepared a short presentation highlighting the inspiration behind the concept and the two colour variations I was previously undecided between. I presented my concept which received very positive feedback the lecturer said that I 'had a strong concept which took great initiative to look at the exhibition space and surroundings to create a really unique concept' I was extremely happy with this feedback as the main focus of my design was it's concept.

I then asked to conduct a vote to see which was the most popular colour palette within the group present in the critique, I found that it was roughly 50/50 with 7 saying the preferred the yellow variation and 6 preferring the blue variation, however it was suggested that during the screen printing process I could experiment with both colours and re-evaluate this decision based on the outcome of the finished screen prints. I felt this was really good advice as I can determine the strongest variation based on the final outcomes. 

I was given some minor suggestions that would make the screen printing process more successful for example it was suggested that I printed on A3 paper with the excess of the cropped mosaic segments printed too which could then be cropped down to A4 size allowing for a bleed margin incase of unintentional offset etc. Another questionable factor was that the subtitle was too small to be reproduced via screen printing  I suggested making the whole are of text larger to keep the square formatting which students said was a good idea as they liked this square formatting of the text and the choice of typeface especially as it relates to the libraries signage.

Overall the group thought my concept was extremely strong and was an appropriate resolution to the brief. I am happy with the outcome of this concept and am looking forward to screen printing the design to achieve a high quality finish.

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