Friday 13 March 2015

Studio Brief 3 - Exhibition space viewing

Studio Brief 3 - Collaborative Practise - Leeds Library Exhibition Branding 
Exhibition Space viewing

We visited the library as we felt it was essential to view the space to get a better idea of what we had to work with. We found that the architecture of the library was beautiful with ornate stone detailing in the walls and mosaics decorating the floors and ceilings, the exhibition space contrasted this drastically with large white walls and grey floors. We felt this worked well as it would give us a relatively blank canvas that would allow us to effectively re-invent the space with with our exhibition branding, this also meant we had no restrictions due to the clean colour palette of the exhibition space. 

We identified a number of key features within the exhibition space that we felt we could work with to create the more appropriate and engaging atmosphere for our exhibition. We decided we didn't want to place artwork on the large aged windows as we felt this would clash with the clean theme we were aiming for. We also identified the entrance as a good space to place vinyl decals as this would be the first part of the exhibition guests would see and we wanted this to be visually striking and engaging. We now felt with a better understanding of the space would could design specially for this space and tailoring our designs so they fit well within the exhibition. 

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