Tuesday 17 March 2015

Studio Brief 3 - Interim Critique

Studio Brief 3 - Collaborative Practise - Leeds Library Exhibition Branding 
Interim Critique

We showed our development this far to our programme leader during the interim critique for formative feedback, I felt this was really helpful as it has been purely independent with no tutor contact thus far, so it was a good oppotuity to see if we had make a good start in resolving the brief. I think he really like the concept however he told us he felt it still needed refining as to him it was quite ambiguous to those who knew nothing about the exhibition. 

He gave us some really good technical tips that we had not considered before that would improve the overall professional quality of our work for example using the official Leeds College of Art logo to avoid any copyright issues as for example we were not allowed to use typeset Leeds College of Art on the poster it would have to be the official logo. He also told us to consider our budget options within our proposal and ensure that all of our designs could be reproduced across all budget levels. I felt this was really good feedback as would would have to modify some of our designs and consider sponsorships in order to achieve the highest quality production possible. 

Response to formative feedback: 

based on the formative feedback we receive we decided to make a number of changes to our proposal for example we chose to go with the 45 degrees concept as this was less ambiguous and could be more effectively implemented within our designs. We altered the logo to include a degrees sign as we felt this was still bold and simple and thought having 'degrees' typeset would overcomplicate the logo. 

I spoke to marketing and got them to email me the official Leeds College of Art logo which we then implemented into all relevant design, I also got them to send me a copy of the brand guidelines to ensure we were correctly representing the college. We decided to take on board the feedback and not produce a live website instead we would increase the focus on social media creating a Facebook page, Twitter hash tag and event bright page for the opening night. 

We felt it was important to create a range of budget tiers as this would make it easier physically produce the outcomes we creates a low budget tier that was extremely basic, with black and white design printed on standard laserjet printer, a mid range design that included full colour design, a shortened version of the catalogue and a good range of collateral and a high budget tier that would include an extensive range of collateral including the full catalogue and paper sourced from G F Smith. We felt this would greatly help us in the pitch as it shows we are prepared and have calculates estimates which would make it preferable to pick our group as the programme board could just pick a tier that best suits their budget.  

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