Saturday 30 April 2016

OUGD505: Studio Brief 1 - Reverse Design Experimentation

OUGD505: Studio Brief 1/ Licence to print money   

Reverse Design Experimentation 

Restricted with the transparent windows that would effect both sides of the design I sketched a range of reverse designs however found this to be the most appropriate using the large numerical value on the reverse design to contrast the written value placed on the front.

Articulating this digitally worked well in creating a large legible value that would be easily identifiable, this extends into a long thin shape that I further experimented with using negative space in different ways to create some interesting geometric patterns, these started to connote a skyline through the process of development with I thought was cool linking back to my concept of architecture. Engaging with feedback as to where I could take this design direction it was suggested by tutors that I could develop simple geometric buildings that referenced notable brutalist buildings, I liked this concept however was unsure how the direction would remain simple and identifiable therefore further development is needed to ensure this treatment is bold and engaging. 


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