Sunday 26 October 2014

Studio Brief 3 - Introduction

Studio Brief 3 - Message and Delivery - Research

Create a body of visual research in response to a story, issue or theme
found in the national press tomorrow, Saturday 25th October.
I think this brief will be a good opportunity to show how current design can be, taking an article from the current media and extensively researching it in a short amount of time is a skill as I will have to be clear and concise with the information I present as well as being efficient and productive with the time I have been allocated to complete this brief within. 

My initial plan for this brief will be to purchase a range of newspapers on Saturday 25th October including local, national, broadsheet and tabloid newspapers. I will then look through each paper in detail to see if there are any articles that I think I will be particularly interested in, following this I will determine if the chosen article is feasible for example does it occur in more than one paper and do I feel there will be significant information surrounding the topic. 

After I choose a story to focus on I will look at what type of alternative data I can collect examples of these are; statistics, imperical data, personal research, social media responses and how the same story is reported over the local, national and international press. I also intend to look at how the story is reported over different mediums for example; Television news, social media, talk shows, interviews, radio, youtube/Vlogs, and 60 second bulletin news. From this I feel as though I will have gathered a comprehensive range of data exploring a number of ways in which the story has been reported to the public, I think it will be interesting to see how the same story is reported over different platforms and to see if there is any semantic change in the process. 

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