Thursday 16 October 2014

OUGD403 Study Task 1 - Whats my type?

Whats my Type? 

For our first study task we were required to answer personal questions about ourself, then relate these characteristics to one of Mario Vignelli's 6 basic typefaces; Garamond, Badoni, Century Expanded, Futura, Times Roman and Helvetica. These questions included; 

  • When are you happiest? 

When surrounded by a good atmosphere

  • What is your greatest fear? 


  • What is your happiest memory? 

White Party, Zante 

  • What was your most embarrassing moment? 

Throwing up on my friends brand new carpet

  • What makes you unhappy?

Cancelled Plans 

  • What did you want to be growing up? 

Can't remember assigning a career to myself

  • What is your guiltiest pleasure? 

Revenge (TV drama) 

  • What is your favourite hobby? 


  • Where is your favourite place? 


From this I did not feel I could pick one typeface that represent myself, so I did some extended research and took a personality test. I was given the characteristics of 'The Giver' which includes; Striving to maintain harmony, enthusiastic, trusting and articulate. From this I then concluded Futura most adequately represented myself. I chose Futura because it is easily legible which relates to my articulate attribute  it has holistic geometric forms that could represent my desire for harmony and is bold yet non-invasive which reflects my enthusiasm. 

I presented this information to a group of students and lecturers in the form of a digital presentation (found below) I found this extremely useful as I was able to practise presentation skills as well as acquiring valuable feedback and allowing myself to articulate my reasons behind choosing Futura. The feedback I received included; appreciation towards the visual layout and style of the presentation, credit for applying personal characteristics to that of a typeface and the initiative to further research and conduct a personality test in order to gain a deeper understand as to why a particular font is most appropriate to myself. 

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